

Green Divider

We aim to keep our community open and safe. We have multiple ways to report harassment within the community, with the intent of making this process as simple as possible and through whatever routes victims feel most comfortable with.

As a result, we’ve partnered with a separate organization (Women in Games SIG) to ensure that we’ll always have an impartial person to talk to who’s not within GUR SIG.

Please e-mail or message us through discord through any of the below:

General email which steering committee designated responders have access to:


Personal emails and contact info:

Jimmy Zhou – Riot Games

  1. (e-mail)
  2. blueyfooey#9608 (discord)

Nikki Crenshaw

  1. (e-mail)
  2. gaiazelle  (discord)

Dana Ware – The VOID (external designated responder from Women in Games SIG)

  1. raiiindrop#4676 (discord)

    NOTE: If would like to create a new e-mail or to remain anonymous, please consider creating one at gmail or Gmail sometimes requires phone numbers to verify real accounts so we’re suggesting an alternative provider in case. We’ve tested this email address and its emails won’t go to our spam. You can alternatively make a new discord tat is anonymous to contact us.