Games Research and User Experience SIG LinkedIn Group
The GRUX SIG LinkedIn group serves as a meeting place for Games User Research and User Experience processionals and academics. Members must be working or studying in an area relevant to Games User Research or Games User Experience.Join the group here and submit your request.
#gamesUR Presentations
#gamesUR Summits are held annually in the US and in the EU. These summits are opportunities for those working in, studying, and interested in Games User Research to met and learn from each others.
Games Research and User Experience SIG Discord
The Games Research and User Experience SIG has a Discord server for members of community. The channel is intended to provide a place where the community can come together, chat, see important announcements, and be able to easily communicate with each other and members of the steering committee.
Methodology Wiki
This wiki was originally setup by Magy Seif El-Nasr and some graduate students. It aims to give insight into the differing methodologies that can be used in Games User Research.
Mendeley Library (Discontinued)
Unfortunately, the Mendeley Library previously hosted by Games UR no longer works and thus has been discontinued.
International Game Developers Association
The International Game Developers Association (IGDA) is the largest non-profit membership organisation in the world serving all individuals who work in the games industry. The GRUX SIG is part of the IGDA.